
Saturday, 8 December 2018

SimpleAdapter Tutorial With Examples In Android Studio | Android Solution | SimpleAdapter

SimpleAdapter Tutorial With Examples In Android Studio

In android, A connector is an extension between UI component and information source that causes us to fill information in UI component. SimpleAdpater is used for customization of rundown or matrix things.

In Android, SimpleAdapter is a simple connector to delineate information to sees characterized in a XML record (layout). In android you can indicate the information support to a rundown as an ArrayList of Maps(hashmap or other). Every passage in an ArrayList is relating to one line of a rundown. The Map contains the information for each column. You additionally indicate a XML file(custom list things record) that characterizes the perspectives used to show the column, and a mapping from keys in the Map to explicit perspectives. The subject of will bode well when you complete one precedent in Android Studio as examined toward the finish of this article.

Whenever we need to make a custom rundown we have to execute custom connector. As we examine prior ArrayAdapter is used when we have a rundown of single thing's sponsored by an Array. So on the off chance that we require more customization in a ListView or a GridView we have to execute straightforward connector.

The following is android SimpleAdapter code:

SimpleAdapter(Context context, List<? expands Map<String, ?>> information, int resource, String[] from, int[] to)

In above code piece we demonstrate the execution of a SimpleAdapter. The following is the depiction of the considerable number of parameters used for the usage of a SimpleAdapter to demonstrate a rundown of components in a rundown see or in a matrix see.

Parameters used in SimpleAdapter:

1. context:

The principal parameter is used to pass the context implies the reference of current class. Here this is a watchword used to demonstrate the current class reference. We can likewise utilize getApplicationContext(), getActivity() in the place of this watchword. getApplicationContext() is used in an Activity and getActivity() is used in a Fragment.

The following is the model code in which we set the current class reference in a connector.

SimpleAdapter(this, List<? broadens Map<String, ?>> information, int resource, String[] from, int[] to)

2. information:

The second parameter is information which is a List of Maps. Every passage in a List relates to one line in the rundown. The Maps contains the information of each line and ought to incorporate every one of the sections indicated in "from" string exhibit.

The following is the model, In which we set's the guide type arrayList.

SimpleAdapter(this, hashmapData, int resource, String[] from, int[] to)

3. resource:

The third parameter is resource id which is use to set the layout (xml document) for rundown things in which you have a content view, picture see or some other view.

The following is the precedent code in which we set the layout (xml record) for making custom rundown.

Assume underneath is the code of Activity custom_list_items.xml where we characterize ImageView and TextView as rundown things which will be set in Layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""



















Presently we will pass this layout as third parameter in SimpleAdapter.

SimpleAdapter (this, hashmapData, R.layout.custom_list_items, String[] from, int[] to)

4. from:

The fourth parameter is from is a string cluster or called a rundown of segment names that will be added to a Map related with every thing of a network or rundown see.

The following is the model code in which we set a cluster for rundown things

String fromArray[]={"userName","userImage"};

SimpleAdapter (this, hashmapData, R.layout.custom_list_items, fromArray, int[] to)

5. to:

The fifth and last parameter is to which is an integer exhibit used to store the Id's of the perspectives. The perspectives that should show segment in the "from" parameter. These should all be TextViews. The main N sees in this rundown are given the estimations of the principal N sections in the "from" parameter.

The following is the precedent code, In which we set the integer cluster for perspectives id's.

int to[]={,};

SimpleAdapter (this, hashmapData, R.layout.custom_list_items, fromArray,to)

Example of Simple Adapter in Android Studio:

In underneath case of straightforward connector we show the custom rundown of creature names with their pictures in a rundown see. Here creature picture is shown in the correct side of the screen and the name is shown to one side of the screen. When you tap on any rundown thing the creature name from that thing will be shown as a Toast to screen. The following is the last yield and code:

Step 1: Create another venture in Android Studio and name it SimpleAdapterExample.

Select File - > New - > New Project and Fill the structures and snap "Complete" catch.

Step 2: Now go to res - > layout - > xml (or) activity_main.xml and include following code. Here we are structuring ListView in Relative Layout.

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""













Step 3: Now Create another Activity. Go to res-> right tap on layout-> new - > Activity - > Blank Activity and make list_view_items.xml activity. Here include following code. Here we are characterizing ImageView and TextView things that will be shown inside each column of ListView.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""


















Step 4: Now open application - > java - > package, tap on and include the beneath code. Here we will utilize SimpleAdapter to show static information in XML layout. More clarification is incorporated into the code itself.

package example.abhiandriod.simpleadapterexample;


import android.os.Bundle;

import android.view.Menu;

import android.view.MenuItem;

import android.view.View;

import android.widget.AdapterView;

import android.widget.ListView;

import android.widget.SimpleAdapter;

import android.widget.Toast;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.HashMap;

open class MainActivity expands AppCompatActivity {

/introduce view's

ListView simpleListView;

String[] animalName={"Lion","Tiger","Monkey","Dog","Cat","Elephant"};//creature names cluster

int[] animalImages={R.drawable.lion,R.drawable.tiger,R.drawable.monkey,,,R.drawable.elephant};//creature pictures cluster


secured void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {




ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> arrayList=new ArrayList<>();

for (int i=0;i<animalName.length;i++)


HashMap<String,String> hashMap=new HashMap<>();//make a hashmap to store the information in key esteem combine



arrayList.add(hashMap);//include the hashmap into arrayList


String[] from={"name","image"};//string cluster

int[] to={,};//int cluster of views id's

SimpleAdapter simpleAdapter=new SimpleAdapter(this,arrayList,R.layout.list_view_items,from,to);//Create protest and set the parameters for simpleAdapter

simpleListView.setAdapter(simpleAdapter);//sets the connector for listView

/perform listView thing click occasion

simpleListView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {


open void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, view, int I, long l) {

Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),animalName[i],Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();//demonstrate the chose picture in toast as per position






Presently run the App in AVD or Emulator and you will see the ListView showing creature names and pictures. Presently tap on the any Animal and you will see Toast message indicating Animal name.

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